Dorsa Rohani

Dorsa Rohani

Machine Learning Engineer Intern @Deep Genomics, working at the heart of AI and genomics.


I was named one of the youngest MLH Top 50 Hackers out of 150,000 hackers worldwide by Major League Hacking, the leading global hackathon organization. I am also a cellist and enjoy making music with others (1, 2).



Lung AI

Deep learning model that detects and classifies lung cancer using CT scans (new model). 4x Hackathon Winner - out of 1,500+ total competitors.

Deep Learning Machine Learning PyTorch
GitHub HuggingFace Version 1: Youtube
Multi Style Transfer

Multi Style Transfer

Style transfer (for multiple images) is the synthesis of images, creating an output that has the content of one image and the styles of the other images.

Generative AI Neural Networks PyTorch


An AI + ML tool that both detects potential and technical failures in space missions, and also assists in designing them.

NASA International Hackathon: People's Choice Award Winner

Machine Learning Natural Language Processing
NASA GitHub Presentation

GPT Finetune Kit

A ready-to-go template to fine-tune GPT models using the OpenAI API with a Flask backend and React frontend.

LLM Fine-tune React Flask
LLM Interactive Story

LLM Interactive Story

LLM-powered (fine-tuned) interactive story game. Unlike traditional story games with limited choices, this game allows players to do anything they wish. The story dynamically adapts to their actions, offering a unique adventure every time they play.

LLM Fine-tune React Flask Design
Website GitHub
Neural Networks for Atmospheric Composition

Neural Networks for Atmospheric Composition

Determines the chemical atmospheric compositions of planets and stars. Aims to identify exoplanets with conditions supportive of carbon-based life.

Python Jupyter Notebook NASA


Object detection and overlay application. Apply custom overlay to specific objects in images.

Object Detection Python
Chaos Theory

Chaos Theory

Ever wanted to visualize chaos? Compute & graph systems in chaos theory with any parameters you wish!

Python Mathematics
the fallen_

the fallen_

A sci-fi web short story.

React Next.js Storytelling
Website GitHub


A musical violin simulator with mini-games in Greenfoot.

Java Greenfoot (Java framework)
Website GitHub


NASA International Space Hackathon

NASA International Space Hackathon

Developed an AI + ML tool that detects potential and technical failures in space missions, and also assists in designing them.

People's Choice Award
Cognition Hackathon - VIT Mathematical Association

Cognition Hackathon

LungML - a lung cancer diagnostic tool. Winner against 1000+ competitors.

2nd Place & Healthcare Track Winner


LungML - a lung cancer diagnostic tool. Winner against ~210 competitors.

1st Place & Wolfram Award
ADL Appacthon 2.0

ADL Appathon

LungML - a lung cancer diagnostic tool. Winner against 210+ competitors.

4th Place (Best Prototype)
NeoHacks 2.0

NeoHacks 2.0

LungML - a lung cancer diagnostic tool. Winner against ~90 competitors.

Best Design Award
Hack the Change

Hack the Change

Developed cloud computing solutions for medical and social impact. Winner against of 370+ competitors.

Best Use of Cloud Computing
United Hacks

United Hacks

Developed an intuitive application to train AI on custom user data. This project was built prior to accessible fine-tuning tools. Winner against 390+ competitors.

2nd Place Solo Hack & 3rd Place Overall


Developed cloud computing solutions for medical and social impact. Winner against of 370+ competitors.

2nd Place in Healthcare
MecSimCalc Hackathon

MecSimCalc Hackathon

Developed a multipurpose platform that detects infection, cancerous and cardiovascular diseases, and also performs 3d computations. Winner against 70+ competitors.

1st Place & Grand Prize Winner
Major League Hacking

Major League Hacking - ReconnectEd

Developed a telemedical chatbot that assists in diagnosis and remote medical treatment.

Best Use of Google Cloud
Major League Hacking (Hackerland)

Major League Hacking - Hackerland

Developed a multipurpose AI online platform that converts between ASL and a variety of international and largely spoken languages.

3rd Place Winner